Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Search and ye shall find...

Internet search tools are some of the most important skills that I have learned. In order to efficiently search for certain subject areas, facts, tools, and just about anything else on the web, it is absolutely imperative to learn how to narrow down the options.

I have spent hours before looking up information, in the end to come away with nothing. It can be one of the most frustrating and time consuming exercises to search for information that you know is out there, but because you are not entering the key words properly, the info will not show up.

What we tend to forget is that the computer is not a human being. These machines are not the ones in control. We are. They do what we say, and when we say it. Maybe that is what is so frustrating. The fact that as humans we need to learn how to speak this new language that is so eerily similar to the language we speak to one an other, but has so many different meanings and can produce such varied results is why we want to throw these things out the second floor window of the library sometimes. Not that I advocate that, or have ever experienced that….I’m just saying.

It’s ironic that in order to utilize the tools that are available, one must search for those very same tools to become proficient. That’s why this class has become such a valuable resource, it is there for us, and all we have to do are the assignments.

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