Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Learning to Learn

The reading this week was especially fitting for me. I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about the way in which I learn and store information. I have decided that some of the things that I do have not worked all that well in the past. Although there have been no major revelations as of yet, I can admit that I have started to do some things differently.

Throughout my bachelor’s program, I went to a school that was much larger and didn’t have the personal contact with the professors that CSUSM has. And even though there were sections, with smaller group sizes, I was still very resigned to being quite, keeping my head down, not asking a lot of questions, and studying on my own. In the four years that I have been out of that program, I learned that method of learning did not work very well for me. I do much better when I am engaging and engaged. Because of this, I have made it a point to be much more outgoing this time around.

So far so good, as I feel I am already getting much more out of my classes. This article talks a bit about learning strategies and using technology to help alter preexisting conceptions. And although I cannot directly use technology to be more outgoing, it has helped me in other ways. Mainly to do with organization skills. Learning how to learn is one of the most important skills a person can posses, and if technology can assist in that, then it is very important to use it regularly.

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