Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Sites, Sites and more Sites

There is no doubt that I will be using a website for my classroom.  Even if it is something that is really simple and to the point like the sites that we created this week using the Google sites tool.  Eventually I would like to make something a bit more complex, but nothing that will take an exorbitant amount of time to keep up to date.  That is one of the issues that I see happening when looking at other teacher’s sites.  They have way too much content, it must take a full time jobs just to keep the site up and running.  But besides the time that something like that takes, the aesthetic appeal of a page filled with clutter really diminishes the more that goes up.  People can easily get overwhelmed and frustrated with sites that are just a mess of information.  Things have to be easy to navigate and make some sort of logical sense. 

I would love to include things on my site like blogs, threads, vlogs, pod casts, file sharing and of course a calendar.  I think that websites are the best tool to communicate with parents.  It is so easily accessible and can give a real window into what is happening in a child’s classroom.

As up keep of the site can be an issue.  One idea that came to mind is to have the students help in those tasks.  They would not only learn the intricacies of website maintenance, but it would also help to reinforce the lessons and or assignments.

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