Saturday, January 24, 2009

Education Resources on the Web

Education and technology go hand in hand. One drives the other. In order to use technology most efficiently in a classroom setting, one must fully understand its capabilities. As technology changes so rapidly, it is up to the user to adapt and continuously learn new methods, functions and capacities. In order to do this we must rely on that very same technology to educate us. These programs and platforms include PC's, MAC's, Word, Excel, Multimedia presentations, and of course the Internet.

While looking over "Computer Technology in the Classroom 101" by Laura Turner, I dissected each of the above areas and the different resources that are out there on the web. First, I was curious about PowerPoint and Hyper studio. I have had limited experience with PowerPoint and had never heard of Hyper studio. What I found was an abundance of information and tutorials on how to go about using each of these tools. And not just how to use the tools in general, but also how to use them in a classroom setting for lesson plans.

I use both a MAC and PC. Most of my experience in a professional setting has been on a PC, but I have purchased a MAC and am finding there are a great many similarities, and a few differences. I am also finding that there is a litany of information out there for both platforms. From beginners guides on each, tutorials, and training for education purposes.

Finally, as society moves in the direction of computer based information and resources, I found it helpful to look at the different ways to not only join in this movement with my own web page, much like the one that you are reading now, but also how to better utilize this great tool and its seemingly infinite amount of information. It is necessary to learn effective ways to sort information. Otherwise a huge amount of time can be wasted.

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